About Me

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With a B.Ed., M.Ed., and over 10 years of classroom teaching experience, Chantelle has been privileged to observe the fruits of many living philosophies. By continually striving to live the best life possible, Chantelle has been able to overcome many personal challenges in life and enjoys helping others do the same. In 2001, Chantelle stepped into her first yoga class and has been amazed at the ways it has transformed her life. In 2007 she studied under Shri Yogi Hari of the Sivananda lineage and became a certified yoga teacher. She has since earned the E-RYT designation from Yoga Alliance and continues to study under various Indian Master Yogis. In October 2013 launched Prana Yoga & Wellness, offering private/corporate yoga and stress management workshops based on Eastern wisdom. Chantelle frequently appears as a guest speaker and is involved with various community projects and local non-profit organizations. Dedicated to walking her talk, Chantelle is not afraid to do the necessary work to remain happily married and be a healthy role model for her two young daughters.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Inspiration is Just Around the Corner

She's been walking by our house for more than a month now, but today we are ecstatic for her.


 I know exactly whom my daughters are referring to. I run into our dining room and stand behind my girls, who have their noses pressed up against the window. There she is... walking slowly on the sidewalk across the street. I'm sure she's still in pain, but she is free and clear. Nothing supporting her except for her husband, who has been by her side for every walk and is now walking a good three feet in front of her.

Before August, we had never seen this woman before. She kind of showed up out of the blue one day with a walker and some bandages wrapped around her right leg. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail and the lines on her middle-aged face showed she wasn't at all enthusiastic about going for a walk, but her husband was there, walking just a slow as she, helping her through the pain. When they made it to the front of our house, they paused and pointed with smiles on their faces. Maybe they were admiring our renovations or perhaps there was a side show being performed the local squirrels; for whatever reason she noticed us and we noticed her and that's when her story began to unfold for us.

For weeks they walked by our house, each time we noted her progress and became more and more excited for her. We didn't have to know what the details of her story were. We saw her struggle, her determination, her progress and we were inspired. Over time we witnessed the walker turn into a cane and the cane turn into her husband. Then the day came when we saw she no longer had to walk arm in arm with her husband. We couldn't help but cheer. We were just so happy for her!

Our victory cheer had to come to an end by the necessity of having to leave for gymnastics. The girls and I piled into our car and backed out of the driveway. As we approached this special woman and her husband, I slowed down to a pause and rolled down the window.

"Excuse me!" I shouted. "I just wanted to let you know that my girls and I have been watching you walk by our house week after week and we are so proud of your progress. You have really been inspiring to us. We're big fans!"

Her face lit up. She brought her hand to her chest. "REALLY??? OH! THANK YOU!"

All the while, her husband proudly looked on with a smile on his face. They continued on their way and we continued on ours.

 Yes, she has inspired me. Actually, both her and her husband have inspired me. He made her healing journey his journey as well, but clearly it was her pain. She had to challenge it and persevere while holding a vision of healing... and she succeeded. We couldn't imagine her walking by herself. In fact, it would seem foolish. Clearly, challenges seem smaller when we have someone who cares by our side. She showed my girls the value of never giving up, no matter how difficult it may seem and the true meaning of victory. She also taught us that we just never know how overcoming our own obstacles can inspire others who are watching.

1 comment:

  1. There is so much about this that makes me smile wide... This nameless woman and her husband, climbing such an obstacle together... Plus you and your lovely daughters sending all that encouraging energy of love and kindness to someone you don't even know... Way to Rock that "Being a Mom" thing :-)

    Thank You for sharing :-D
